Preparing for an Easy Move: 3 Simple Things to Do Now


Moving to your forever home is a significant milestone filled with anticipation and excitement. To ensure a stress-free and organized move, it's important to take a few simple yet essential steps before you start packing. In this blog post, I'll share 3 simple things you can do to prepare for a smooth transition into your dream home.

Declutter and Streamline

Before packing declutter, donate, and let go of everything that will no longer serve you and your family in the new home! 

  • Assess your things: go through each room and evaluate your belongings. Identify items that you no longer use, need, or love. Consider donating, selling, or discarding them responsibly.  Pro-tip: designate a box and label it “donate”.  

  • Create an easy-to-handle approach: break down the decluttering process into manageable tasks. Start with one room at a time or focus on specific categories like clothing, books, or kitchen items. This approach prevents overwhelm and helps you stay organized.

  • Keep only what brings you joy: as you declutter, keep only the items that truly spark joy or serve a practical purpose in your future home. This will not only lighten your load but also ensure that you surround yourself with belongings that bring you happiness.

Decluttering before packing will not only reduce the number of items you need to move but also create a fresh start in your forever home.

Create an Inventory and Organize Documents

As you prepare for your move, it's essential to create an inventory and organize important documents.

  • Document your belongings: before packing, create an inventory of your items. This can be as simple as making a list of only the things that will move to the new house. An inventory will help you keep track of your belongings, especially during the unpacking process. Pro-tip: you are more likely to remember and complete a task when you write them down.

  • Gather important documents: organize essential documents such as identification papers, financial records, medical records, and insurance policies. Place them in a secure and easily accessible folder or file to ensure they're safe during the move.

  • Create a moving to-do list: as you gather documents and inventory information, create a moving to-do list you will feel so accomplished after a task is checked off. This will help you stay organized and ensure easy access to important information throughout the moving process.

Having an inventory and organized lists will bring you peace of mind during the move and make it easier to settle into your forever home.

Research and Label Your Boxes

Proper labeling and organization of boxes will save you time and effort when packing.

  • Use a labeling system: create a labeling system for your boxes, whether it's color-coded labels, numbered labels, or a combination of both. Designate specific colors or numbers for each room, making it easier to identify boxes and deliver them to the appropriate spaces in your new home.

  • Keep an essentials box: pack a separate essentials box containing items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. This may include toiletries, bedding, basic kitchen utensils, and a change of clothes. Label this box priority to ensure easy access upon arrival.

  • Research proper packing techniques: take the time to learn proper packing techniques to ensure the safety of your belongings during the move. Use sturdy boxes, secure fragile items with bubble wrap or packing paper, and fill any empty spaces in boxes to prevent shifting. Pro-tip: use as many small-size packing boxes for kitchen items and books.

Preparing for a move to your forever home doesn't have to be overwhelming. By doing these three simple steps before packing—decluttering and streamlining, creating an inventory and organizing documents, and researching and labeling your boxes—you'll set yourself up for success.

Did you know that Sort Toss Repeat can help you prepare for your move? Whether you need help decluttering, deciding what to keep, and unpacking one room or the entire home. Same as our organizing services, our moving services are all-inclusive so that you don’t have to worry about what will work, we will unpack and organize your new home from day one. This will be the best investment for you and your family. Having an unpacked and organized home in just a few days will be the best decision ever. Contact us for a free unpacking and organizing consultation.

Oh let’s not forget that we also have a 100 things to toss list that you can download totally for free!

Until next time,