100 Things to Toss Checklist


Happy New Year STR friends!

I hope 2023 has started to be a great year for you and always remember that every day is an opportunity to create the BEST version of yourself.  

With the month of January just behind us, I’m looking forward to helping many of you create accessible, beautiful, and functional organizing spaces either in person or online in the near future.  

Every day, I’m so grateful for the trust and confidence our STR clients give us when we are hired to help them organize their homes.  Organizing is a very personal service and hiring the right organizer to fit your style, budget and vision is extremely important for a successful organizing and life-changing experience.  

Another VERY important thing to do before organizing is to declutter, donate, and let go of everything that’s no longer serving you.  Trust me when I tell you, decluttering needs to happen in order to create organizing systems that will work for you, and often times our clients tell us “oh I purged some” but a lot of times we purge some more when we work together.  This is also true when we help our clients unpack and organize their new homes. While unpacking, we find things that should’ve never been packed in the first place. 

Imagine moving into your dream home, ready to settle down and create everlasting memories with family and friends but first the dreaded task of unpacking and organizing everything you own, I know it sounds exhausting but it doesn’t have to be if you hire a professional organizer to do it for you.   Unpacking and organizing projects are the most satisfying and relieving for our clients.  From unpacking kitchens - which is the first space you should unpack to the entire home. We can help you settle in and create organizing systems that will give you peace of mind and so much time back so you can focus on doing the things you love doing the most.

But the real reason for this blog post is to share with you the STR move-out checklist of 100 things to toss before packing and moving to your new home.  The checklist is divided into 10 spaces in the home, the items listed are actually things we have unpacked from clients’ boxes that should’ve never been packed.  We have seen it all and I don’t want you to regret packing things you should’ve tossed.  Expired food, broken toys, unknown cables that won’t be of any use and so much more have taken prime space in many moves.    

Very often, a lot of things get thrown in boxes but when we are mindful of the things we are bringing to a new space the unpacking will be much easier plus imagine how much less you will have to pack and travel with only the things that you envision in your new home.   A move is the best opportunity to evaluate everything you own, be realistic about what is truly needed, and let go of the guilt of holding onto things that aren’t truly valuable to you. It’s never too early to start the decluttering process, it actually should be a process that you can start doing whether you are moving or staying home.  

Get the STR move-out checklist here! 

Make sure to follow us on social for daily updates on organizing projects, inspiration, and a lot of fun!

P.S. Even if you aren’t moving anytime soon, I encourage you to use this list and share it with a friend for a more organized home. 

Until next time, 


Pinterst Image for 100 things to toss before moving to your dream home